Mick Goodrick

mick goodrick almanacs modern guitar harmonyMick Goodrick was an esteemed jazz guitarist, educator and author whose approach to guitar pedagogy was somewhat philosophical as witnessed by the release of his first book ‘The Advancing Guitarist’.

One goal of the Modern Guitar Harmony website is to accumulate, catalogue and preserve Mick’s teachings. We are extremely fortunate to have someone involved who has the rights to the Mick Goodrick estate thus we have access to previously unreleased material much of which will be released in the future.

Another goal of this website is to set up the Mick Goodrick Foundation which will support guitarists around the world who teach and publish Mick’s materials and which will set up a scholarship etc.

Apart from Mick’s books you can find much information about Mick’s teaching on the Modern Guitar Harmony’s Resources page.

On this page you will find the fabled Mr Goodchord Almanacs and if you scroll down to the Mick Goodrick header you will find many articles and notes written by Mick. There is much to be added to this section to keep an eye on it.

You can read more about Mick Goodrick on this Wikipedia page.

Mick Goodrick Books

Mick wrote and co-wrote several books during his career. These are;

In addition there is much unpublished material some of which we are getting ready for publication.

This includes the book Repeat After Me which is part 2 of Factorial Rhythms.

Mick Goodrick Recordings

Below you can find a list of Mick Goodrick recordings on Youtube

mick goodrick, john abercrombie, someday my prince will comeMick Goodrick and John Abercrombie

These live intimate duo recordings of Mick Goodrick and John Abercrombie were previously unreleased until they were handed to the Modern Guitar Harmony Youtube channel. The tunes were recorded for the Brandeis Radio Concert.

Mick Goodrick and Randy Roos

These recordings were presented to the Modern Guitar Harmony website by Randy Roos.

You can watch the two-part Modern Guitar Harmony interview with Randy Here and Here.

Mick Goodrick and Randy Roos Quartet